
Hopefully some final touches on this site's design

18 Jun 2024

A full moon is seen in a twilight sky with a tree branch in the foreground.

I've been redesigning the entire place, if you haven't noticed. The 4chan theme was neat, but this one is a bit more unique and reflects my preferred design ideas. I'm obviously very inspired by some "old web" designs, and hopefully reflect that design in the structuring and formatting as well. I'm going to add much much more to the main page, in that first table with the links and icons.

I've often not used my personal site to its fullest extent. I've never consistently added content of any kind, or showed off anything I liked beyond trivial lists. Hopefully, I can start producing some writings or otherwise creative ideas to put here.

I'd like to use my personal site to host some resources for people to use, too. Once I switch hosting providers from Neocities, I can have a lot more freedom to provide various kinds of useful files. Having my own domain might also mean some self-hosted services could appear sometime. Only the future knows . . .