
Contact Information

An animated looping GIF of a scroll opening, a pen writing the word 'E-MAIL' on the scroll, and the scroll closing. An animated looping GIF of a pencil moving back and forth in the background, and a button that says 'E-Mail Me' in the foreground. An animated looping GIF of a bird drawn with only a few lines, flapping its wings while holding onto the at-symbol with its mouth. An animated looping GIF of an LED sign with the words 'Email Me!!' scrolling across. An animated looping GIF of a sticky note that says 'Send Email' rocking back and forth while hung up by a pin. An animated looping GIF of an pen writing the word 'E-MAIL' on an envelope. An animated looping GIF of a quill being dipped into ink, and then writing the word 'Email' in calligraphy. An animated looping GIF of the word 'E-Mail' spelt with blocks, with shrubbery and butterflies surrounding it. An animated looping GIF of a pencil moving back and forth in the background, and a rotating block that says 'SEND' on one side and 'EMAIL' on the other as it spins. An animated looping GIF of a pile of envelopes and an envelope picked up from the pile, opened to show a letter with the word 'E-Mail' on it. An animated looping GIF of a skeletal hand holding onto the word 'email' by the L, moving it up and down and bending it. An animated looping GIF of a spinning mailbox and a spinning three-dimensional render of the word 'e-mail'.

Generally, email is the best way to get my attention about something. If you'd prefer a quicker response, we can agree on which service to use to talk.
I'd prefer to use PGP email encryption whenever possible, and to that end I'm providing my public key here. I distrust keyservers and you should too[citation needed].

I don't use social media, but I do have accounts on certain sites to prevent impersonation; don't expect me to check them regularly or even at all.